120 research outputs found

    The role of entrepreneurs social networks in the creation and early development of biotechnology companies

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    The main research question addressed in this paper concerns the way entrepreneurs’ social networks affect the opportunity identification and the access and mobilization of resources in a science-based field – biotechnology - facilitating the founding of new firms. For this purpose we adopted an analytical framework combining contributions from the technological entrepreneurship and the social network literature and, on this basis, we proposed: i) that entrepreneurs social networks, both those associated with their academic and professional trajectories and those intentionally build already having the firm as a goal, are critical to access the wide range of resources necessary to create a new firm in this type of field; ii) that different network configurations are associated with the access and mobilisation of different types of resources. We developed a methodology that combines several methods usually applied separately and that permits to assemble of a vast array of data capturing the nature and contents of a wide range of relationships. This methodology was applied to a sub-set of the Portuguese biotechnology industry – the molecular biology firms. Globally this research provides evidence that contributes to on-going debates in the area of social networks and entrepreneurship, both at the methodological and empirical levels. At this stage the main contribution regards the development of a methodology that was found to offer important insights into the behaviour of science-based entrepreneurs in their search for key resources for firm formation. The results obtained, although still exploratory, already provide some indications concerning the conditions for biotechnology entrepreneurship in countries that are peripheral relative to the major concentrations of biotechnology knowledge and business

    A aplicação de modelos especiais de preparação de professores

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    A procura do sucesso pedagógico tem levado ao desenvolvimento e à adopção de metodologias, estratégias, modelos, experiências ou programas de formação de professores que possam contribuir para melhorar as habilidades de ensino e a competência para ensinar. Pretendíamos saber se a aplicação de distintas formas, métodos ou modelos de preparação de professores para a prática docente, tinha tradução, mais tarde, durante a prática pedagógica ou estágio, em diferenças significativas na sua acção. Para o tentar saber, decidimos preparar os participantes através de quatro processos, perfeitamente tipificados, relacionados com o que é prática comum em algumas das instituições de formação, como o ensino com pares, o microensino com colegas, o microensino com alunos reais, e uma preparação clássica sem a utilização de qualquer um destes modelos, e mais tarde, durante a sua prática pedagógica, efectuar a análise do processo de ensino que nos permitisse encontrar as respostas pretendidas. A observação das cento e quarenta e quatro aulas que os quarenta e oito professores de Educação Física, em situação de prática pedagógica do estágio para professores do segundo ciclo do ensino Básico, leccionaram a mil cento e dezassete alunos, permitiram-nos ficar com uma imagem, sob diferentes perspectivas, desses aspectos do comportamento de professores e alunos. A interrogação dos professores e dos alunos possibilitaram um conhecimento de alguns dos aspectos que não se vêm mas que interferem e condicionam o processo de ensino aprendizagem. O estudo colocou em evidência as diferenças na acção dos professores preparados pelos distintos procedimentos, permitindo-nos concluir que a formação de professores de Educação Física através dos modelos de preparação para a prática docente utilizados, em termos globais, não se traduz numa conduta comportamental diferente, mas em termos particulares, ficou evidente que essas diferenças eram significativas para alguns aspectos em análise

    The impact of long term scientific mobility on the creation of persistent knowledge networks

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    International scientific mobility is a strategic element in the science policies of several countries, being often equated with the development of extensive knowledge networks that can be mobilised by the scientists (and their organisations) upon their return. The objective of this paper is to understand whether and in which conditions mobility leads to the development of knowledge links that are long lasting and effectively play a key role in scientists’ activities. In conceptual terms, the influence of mobility is explained through the opportunities it provides for temporary co-location in one organisation, and thus for the creation of social, cognitive and organisational proximity between scientists, which are critical for knowledge transmission and which can persist after the individuals draw apart. This conceptual framework supports an empirical analysis of the impact of two types of long term mobility - for training and professional purposes - on the creation of “persistent knowledge networks”, in the case of Portuguese scientists. The results show that mobile scientists are more likely to have foreign organisations in their core knowledge network. Even more importantly, they reveal a high incidence of organisations that were part of the scientists’ trajectory in these networks, providing some confirmation to the effects of colocation. However, these effects are not always present: the research also identifies some factors – related with personal characteristics, career situation, scientific field, time, geographical distance, motivations to move - that increase the likelihood of network persistence, which differ for the two types of mobility

    Innovation networks in biotechnology : actors, relations and strategies

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    The paper addresses innovation networks in a science-based sector, focusing on networks for scientific and technological knowledge access. It investigates the strategic choices made by new biotechnology firms regarding the type of actors and relations that prevail in accessing those networks. The results contribute to on-going debates in the area of innovation networks and knowledge management, both at the methodological and empirical levels. We develop a methodology to investigate the networking behaviour of sciencebased entrepreneurs in their search for scientific and technological knowledge for innovation. We apply it to the case of biotechnology entrepreneurs in a country that is peripheral to the major concentrations of biotechnology knowledge and business, which enables us to gain some insights on the strategies adopted by new entrepreneurial firms to access critical resources in these particular contexts

    Social networks and early resource mobilisation by science-based firms

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    This paper addresses the way entrepreneurs’ social networks affect the opportunity identification and the access and mobilization of resources in a science-based field – biotechnology - facilitating the founding of new firms. Adopting an analytical framework that combines contributions from the technological entrepreneurship and the social network literature we propose that: (i) entrepreneurs’ social networks are critical to access the wide range of resources required for firm creation; (ii) different networks configurations (in terms of composition and structure) are associated with the access and mobilisation of different types of resources. The paper presents a methodology that combines several methods usually applied separately and which permits to assemble a vast array of data capturing the origin, nature and contents of the relationships through which key resources and competences flow into the new firm. A central aspect of this methodology is the reconstruction of the firm social networks, encompassing the mapping of the personal networks of the entrepreneurial team, built along their academic and professional trajectories (potential networks); and the identification of the members of these networks who were mobilised by the firms during the formation process, as well as the new relationships, informal or formal, intentionally build already having the new firm as a goal (mobilisation networks). Different “mobilisation networks” are reconstructed, according to the nature of the inputs being searched: network of opportunity and access (tangible resources, such as capital, human resources and facilities); network of innovation (scientific and technological knowledge); network of power and influence (credibility and mediation into relevant sources). The structure and composition of these networks are then analysed and compared, using social network analysis methods, with a view to assess whether the nature of different types of resources is associated with different networks configurations. This methodology is applied to the most science-based sub-set of the Portuguese biotechnology industry – the molecular biology firms (23 firms and 61 entrepreneurs). In this paper we present preliminary results based on the analysis of four cases that enabled us to test the viability and robustness of the methodology and to evaluate its effectiveness in answering to your research questions. The results are therefore still exploratory, being focused on regularities that could be identified and that might reflect modes of behaviour that are shared by this category of firms. They confirm that entrepreneurs, in their search for key resources, select only some of the members of networks derived from their previous trajectories, but also add new members, purposefully chosen because they fulfil some important function in the new firm. In addition, the comparison of the composition and structure of different “mobilisation networks”, provides some confirmation that access to different resources entail different types of actors and relations, thus being associated with different network configurations. But it also uncovers the presence of “multiplex ties” that provide access to more than one type of resource, as well as the central role of some type of actors, associated with the entrepreneurs trajectory

    Entre a Perturbação Obsessivo-Compulsiva e a Psicose

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    Introduction: Obsessive-compulsive disorder is an heterogeneous condition in which periods of altered perception or delusions may arise. Similarly, individuals with psychotic disorders may have obsessive-compulsive symptoms. Case report: A male adolescent presented to the Emergency Department (ED) with obsessive symptomatology with three months of evolution. Three weeks later, he returned to the ED showing symptom worsening and reporting delusions, being admitted to the inpatient unit to clarify the diagnosis. No positive symptoms were reported during hospitalization. During follow-up, the patient reported an episode of apparent delusional perception that he associated with the beginning of symptoms, again raising the question of whether a psychotic episode was present. Discussion/Conclusions: The distinction between obsessive-compulsive disorder and psychosis is not always clear, with obsessive-compulsive disorder being a significant comorbidity in patients with a first psychotic episode. Close patient assessment is required for early diagnosis and appropriate intervention.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A mobilidade internacional dos cientistas: construções teóricas e respostas políticas

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    Neste capítulo, procura-se fazer uma breve recensão da literatura sobre mobilidade científica e sobre os discursos que têm enformado o tema, tanto ao nível internacional como em termos da realidade portuguesa. Começaremos por discutir as perspetivas sobre a importância da mobilidade e seus efeitos. Posteriormente, debruçamo-nos sobre os diversos paradigmas e conceitos que têm historicamente enquadrado os estudos na área, construções teóricas e respostas políticas dando relevância aos diversos posicionamentos sobre a relação entre mobilidade e processos individuais ou agregados de circulação de conhecimento. Neste ponto serão particularmente focados e comparados conceitos como ‘brain drain’, ‘brain gain’ e ‘brain circulation’, que representam visões distintas sobre aspetos do fenómeno da mobilidade dos altamente qualificados. Pretende-se aqui sobretudo mostrar a forma como a mobilidade dos altamente qualificados em geral (e dos cientistas em particular) tem vindo a ser encarada na literatura e os debates que este complexo fenómeno suscita. Em seguida, daremos um enfoque particular a questões centrais na literatura como sejam as motivações dos cientistas para a mobilidade e a forma como a questão do retorno tem vindo a ser apresentada. Por último, dada a óbvia relevância destas questões em termos de políticas nacionais e supranacionais, fazemos uma breve recensão das respostas políticas que têm vindo a ser propostas no âmbito da temática da mobilidade internacional de cientistas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Redes sociais e empreendorismo em biotecnologia. O processo de aglomeração em torno de núcleos de produção de conhecimento

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    Social networks and entrepreneurship in biotechnology. The clustering of firms around regional centers of knowledge production. This paper addresses the clustering of new biotechnology firms around centres of knowledge production, by focusing on the role played by social networks in terms of access to scientific and technological knowledge. Our approach takes into consideration the impact of various forms of proximity – geographical, social, cognitive and organisational – upon the development of key relationships, as well as upon their use for knowledge acquisition. It enables us to assess the relative importance of local and distant knowledge sources, and to interpret the decisions taken by entrepreneurs with respect to network mobilisation. The empirical operationalisation of this approach is then discussed based on a suggested methodology that makes it possible to reconstruct social networks and to measure different types of proximity